Day 196: One

You are born with one body, with one brain, with one heart. You will never be able to escape the way you look, the way you think, the way you feel. And whatever happens in your life, you are stuck with it forever. There is no reset button. This isn’t an exam where you can try to raise your grade next time. It’s not a football game where you get another chance next week. You are enslaved to a single human experience, and that is your own.

Day 187: Haunted

I can usually find her somewhere if I look for her: frolicking in the backyard chasing a butterfly she has no hope of catching, rushing to the kitchen to wave her stick figure drawings too close to the stove flame I’m cooking over, chattering to herself as she makes pretend conversation among her stuffed animals. Other days I hear the thump of her heartbeat, the whisper of her breath, or the empty room at the end of the hallway, filled with a silence that screams like a siren.

This is the story of how I’m haunted by a girl who was never born.

Day 105: Tired

I was so tired, it felt like my brain was spinning inside my head. I felt like I was constantly jerking awake, even though I’d never stopped being conscious, and every sound seemed to wake me up, no matter how few seconds they were apart. Each blast of noise was a knife through my brain, a shock in my heart and stomach, a sudden stab in my spine.